John Dibbs - Photography & Consultancy

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FlyPast & Flight Journal Articles

5th January 2014

February's editions of FlyPast and Flight Journal magazines contain several of John's photographs.  The front cover of Flypast features Biggin Hill based Spitfire LF.XVIe RW382 and Hangar 11 Collection's P-40M adorns the cover of Flight Journal.  Inside Flypast you will find articles on the restoration of RW382 and on Spitfire pilot training with the Boultbee Flight Academy penned by Rachel Morris and featuring more of John's photographs.  Also included in this Spitfire Special edition of Flypast is a large-scale poster featuring John's air-to-airs with the 4 fighters of the Hangar 11 collection on one side and their Mark XI Spitfire on the other.  Flight Journal features an in depth article on Peter Teichman's P-40M which was recently repainted in the scheme of Philip Adair who flew with the 80th Fighter Group in the China-Burma-India Theater in WWII.

Thanks to Peter Monk at the Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar and Peter Teichman at the Hangar 11 collection.

The Flying Legends 2014 Calendar - The Perfect Christmas Stocking Filler !

15th November 2013

The Flying Legends 2014 Calendar is now available. Spectacular air-to-air photography featured in this 16 month edition include, The Fighter Collection's Curtiss P47-G Thunderbolt and Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV, Commanche Warbird's Hawker Hurricane Mk XII and Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia, the Shuttleworth Collection's Gloster Gladiator Mk I and Plane of Fame's Douglas Dauntless SBD-5, plus many more !  Order your copy now from ZenithpressTransair or Amazon.

Dibbsy photo-shoot with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

14th November 2013

John has photographed the BBMF many times before but his most recent sortie captured five of the Flight's six Spitfires in formation near their Coningsby base. In the formation are a Mk LFXVIE, a MK IIa, a Mk LFIXe and two Mk PRXIX's.  Photo-shoots were also  conducted with the Flight's Lancaster and Dakota.  Thanks to Squadron Leader Dunc Mason and all at the BBMF.

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